This was also taken with my point and shoot, not my digital SLR, but I still like the effect.
I just changed this to focal black and white, and added more of a glow to it. Thought it would make it interesting.
I like this shot. I was trying to show how little the people looked in comparison to the trees and the building.
So this isn't rain, it's more of a fountain. I slowed down the shutter speed a little so the water would not look frozen in this one.
Increased shutter speed again to show the drops frozen in time.
Again, increasing the saturation. The sun was so bright that day that the sky looks white!
Another one taken while crossing the street...again increased the saturation, but not as much in this one.
Was taking crossing the street, and then I increased the saturation of it to brighten up the image.
Was experimenting with shutter speeds this one, I increased the spead to see the water frozen in time.
My first few attempts at panning (after having done some cropping). I still need to work on it, but all-in-all, not TOO bad.
This is exactly what I picture when I think of "Midsummer's Night Dream".
This reminded me of a something in a fairy tale, so I changed the colours a little to give it that feel. Though the branches in the bottom left hand corner take away from the effect. I don't know how to use photoshop yet, otherwise I would have removed them completely from the picture!
Boats found by the docks
I edited this a little. Taken while I was standing atop the jungle gym by our house.
Interesting pieces found in a friend's appartment. I just love the way they all came together: religion, the Rosetta Stone and some rocks.
Part of a friend's book collection...quite a varied collection!
Just some random jug found at home. My mom has always loved collecting unique pieces, so there is always something interesting to photograph!
So they aren't quite boots, but that doesn't matter. There are certain things that make a woman happy...this is exhibit A!
Ever since I was little, I've always loved Paris. Maybe it was because I was in a city where my 17 years (more or less) of French would come in handy, or if it was just because I was a hopeless romantic...either way, it was just as beautiful as I had imagined it!
My baby cousin getting all warm and toasty as we leave my aunt's wedding reception.
This was what topped a family friend's wedding cake. I thought it was beautiful!